Tropical Flower Arrangements | Tropical Flowers Online
Tropical Flower Arrangements | Tropical Flowers Online
CALL 1-800-835-3356
Tropical Flowers
Who’d be surprised that orchids, with their delicate, artful profiles, represent luxury? Or that exotic flowers, with their warm, lush origins, send a message of adventure and rare beauty. But, how surprised (and delighted) anyone would be when one of these striking gifts arrives from straight from paradise to their front door.
About Teleflora
At Teleflora, we're proud to have been connecting customers with the nation's best florists for more than 70 years. All of our floral arrangements are professionally arranged by a local florist using only the freshest flowers available, and each gift is personally delivered in a vase - in most cases, the same day you place your order - to ensure that it arrives in premium condition, ready to be enjoyed immediately.
Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, Teleflora has over 20,000 member florists throughout the U.S. and Canada, with an additional 20,000 affiliated florists outside North America. This extensive network, coupled with our commitment to exceptional customer service, means that when you send flowers from Teleflora, you can be confident that you’re sending the best.
The Teleflora Guarantee
Teleflora guarantees satisfaction with every gift order. If you are not completely satisfied with your gift bouquet or its delivery, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you prefer, you can call Teleflora directly at 1-800-835-3356. With a network of florists committed to hand-making bouquets using the freshest flowers available, Teleflora lets you send flowers with confidence. And since every arrangement is personally delivered, same-day delivery is available on almost every order.
If you have a question or comment about an order you placed on or received from, please Email Customer Service.
The Teleflora Difference
At Teleflora, we know that a truly exceptional gift of flowers relies on expertise and attention to detail. That's why every gift from Teleflora is personally designed by a florist in your recipient's neighborhood and arrives artistically arranged in a vase. This means that unlike other flowers shipped in boxes from one location, there's no risk of damage or dehydration. Your gift of fresh, premium flowers will last longer and will arrive ready to be enjoyed. Every Teleflora gift is hand-delivered by an industry professional, in most cases, the day you place the order. The Teleflora difference means that you can send flowers with the confidence that you're sending the best.
Copyright 2009 Teleflora.